silly girl who wrangled her hh’s elbow away from the computer as he locked in a 7 day reservation. one week?!??! so looooooooong?!?! baby i’ll never survive. body thrown against the floor, fists and feet pounding into the hardwood, tantruming out a...
i exhaled any last remnants of grief into the bottom of the pool this afternoon. my toes are now webbed from the time spent eeling and dolphining my way back and forth under the bridge from hh’s chair to my secret alcove of imaginary fish friends. splash splash...
rum, rum wherever you are. rum away from all your fears and cares. languid meals lit by candles. slow motion camera as he lifts his wine glass from table to lips. pinot noir smiling out the corners of his mouth. pinot noir kisses when the waiter isn’t looking....
this is how i appear to hh after 3 mojitos. i, on the other hand, am having a grand time with apricot ice teas. no sweetener. it’s raining today. loud, hot, aquamarine rain. costa rica doesn’t have a military. they have rain. rain commands presence and...