monday happiest to you m’loves. i’m off with hunkiest, the beast and the fam for a week of thanksgiving sweet. i’m going to try to remain as incommunicado as possible: computers, cell phones, ipads, brain……all turned off. if you need to...
“accomplishment is easiest when we work the hardest, and it is hardest when we work the easiest.” ~source unknown it’s here. my final weekend of yoga teacher training. the last hours of testing take place tomorrow and sunday. i hope to never mention...
wednesday cups of kisses to you dear ones. i have turned into a complete yoga monster. my written exam is TONIGHT!! i think that takes me to 188 hours out of my 200 for completion. nothing much to see here today. please join me on a little jaunt up to sonoma where...
tuesday happy to you m’loves. i’m flash-card deep in cramming for my yoga exam this week. last night before bed, the beast and i quizzed each other on sanscrit. savasana, chaturanga, tadasana, uttanasana, utkatasana… i think i’m getting most of...
monday morning happy to you m’loves! i hope your weekend brought smiles, unexpected laughter and rest. i’m crawling {metaphorically and sometimes literally} toward the end of my 200 hour yoga teacher training. leave it to me to neglect the required reading...