quick. if you could go away for a month, all expenses paid, where would i get my postcard from? would it be somewhere hidden deep, in a thick, lush jungle ? perhaps a stay in a deluxe and glorious chateau castle, within the heart of french wine country? or maybe...
monday happy to you m’loves. normally i’m not one to guzzle down the valentine bubbly, but the online demon in me is stirring. i share with you a list of valentine honey, some already tried, tested and hallowed. this bag is rather fabulous, no? and lilac...
20/20 vision, yet sometimes it feels as if i spent my day in a blindfold. as i fall asleep and recount the past ups and downs {mostly ups}, i can only vaguely recollect various moments, it’s a skim and scan at best. a veil of vaseline, smudges over details,...
yesterday i spent a solid, sixty, mind-bending, thumb-spraining seconds attempting to open my garage door with my ipod. i could feel my smug prius, in all her wannabe eco-friendliness, snigger at me as we silently rolled into the dark garage; me having finally...
to quench my fury with the current, pitiful state of the written word-dovekeepers anyone, my friend mrs. burns convinced me to enroll in an itunes university’s literature course. she had  to pick yale. i was fine with a nice community college. nevertheless, we...