so yeah. what-ev…i’ll have a little salsa with my earlier words. i’ll dunk ’em and chew ’em up, red-faced, catholic school girl ashamed at my bravado and disrespect for my native state. my home. buzzfeed’s column, “why...
like the unsuppressed giggles of a baby, soldiering through round after round with the tickle monster, my summer has been one uncontainable jar of happy. my work life is changing; in both script and costume, and i’m loving every higher stake, longer hour, and...
  today i’m ponying back up to the barre, the ballet barre that is, for another certification. it’s been a couple of years since my last lotte berk/barre workshop, and i’m on pointed toes with excitement. out of all the disciplines i teach i will...
they say “sharing is caring.” when i was a little girl, i literally thought “share” meant “give it to katie.” my older brother seemed compelled to always offer up his goods when told to “share.” today i share with you...