tuesday happy to you m’loves. welcome to “girl crush” tuesday. i am beyond thrilled to showcase my friend and colleague, christina sinclair. christina is a heavy hitter in the barre world and blogosphere. her beach babe fitness is one of my favorite...
 thursday happy to you my pops o’lolli! i hope your week has been full of sugar and sweet. do you do valentine’s day? i’ve never been much of a hardcore fan for all things red and artificially flavored {both in taste + sentiment,} but i’m not...
one of the many disappointing aspects of this pregnancy has been the elusive “glow” so promised to me by fellow mommies. i have the opposite of a glow; it’s more like a dull, pea-soup green hue, chaperoned with puffy, capillary-popped bags beneath my...
talk about breaking the internet…today’s edition of girl crush is going to give that kardashian character quite the run for her money. ladies and gentlemen, i present to you danielle wellbrock-gallinger, aka dani, danielle has grit, the glue that holds...
don’t let that pretty face fool you; this beauty queen has a mouth on her that makes sailors ask for smelling salts; and i say that with complete admiration and envy. on today’s latest installment of girl crush i give you the hilarious, charming, gorgeous,...
oh happy day my beloved readers! today’s post could be your winning lotto ticket in the battle against fine lines, discoloration, and slack skin. we have laurie herman to thank. laurie herman and her all-natural, AFFORDABLE, effective, skincare fell into my lap...