farewell 2013

farewell 2013

as my 2013 comes to a hushful, out-like-a-lamb, close, like most of you, i have some goals, resolutions if you want to call them, that i wish to pursue. faraway lands, alpha brainwaves accessible on speed dial, and a new venture or two with a change in my current...

got fermentation?

so you all know i’m pretty much always on the hunt for the next, new, chart-topping showstopper in the world of detox. apple cider vinegar, greens, and ginger are my main go-to’s for a healthy, happy tummy. but for the last few months i’ve added a...
shut the frige: melissa mcardle

shut the frige: melissa mcardle

 argh. there just isn’t enough room on the this web, of worldwide reach, for me to properly convey my adoration, love, and, ok i’ll admit it, obsession over today’s guest editor. the most rewarding part of blogging is the friendships i make. too...