happy friday-it’s white and gold-goddammit!- to you m’loves. apparently my husband and i aren’t the only ones now in marriage counseling over “that dress.” families and friendships are cracking up all over the country. screw the red...
happy candy-coated friday to you my kittens! are you in the mood for love? even if you’re a valentine’s day hater {to be honest i kind of am, too} i have rounded up a few things that i hope will make you smile, swoon, gratefully belch, and leave you...
 happy-hot-pink-feathers-in-your-ears friday to you m’loves! priscilla just got back from her petsmart spa day where we, bi-monthly, walk her in looking like the sticky, dirty floor of a movie theater, and strut her out looking like the proper, high-class...
happy red-velvet-friday to you m’loves. it’s friday, and i’m a buck-toothed, tail-waggin, giddy-ass, disco’ing donkey. even though i work the weekends i still love me an end-of-the-week party; mostly in my bed, with a remote control, my dvr...
pumpkin-spice tidings to you m’loves. fall is in the air {albeit by route of my scented candles} and i couldn’t be happier. these un-airconditioned, sleepless nights are no longer the romantic, nostalgic, and interesting reads on facebook…..i...
friday happy to you m’loves! it’s smiles and snuggles all around here these days. why does priscilla think she’s a canine-blanket? she’s thanking me for finding newport tails, a dog-walking, dog-obedience, & daycare service located in...