2:30 alarm today. has anyone read the healthcare bill? say anything about a national naptime referendum? all in favor say “aye”. a giant thank you to meghan, shannon and deborah for their meth face advice. deborah, the last 10 checkups have included a...
i see you spring…… scarves of silk and swishing skirts are anxiously waiting to come out and play. it’s time for sweet peas and apricots to shoo away the dusty doldrums of season sad. bows and boudouir…….with remnants still of boyfriend...
besides just being a rad song, this video made me feel a little naughty for watching. impropriety quickly manifested into sick spite as i accepted the fact my bum is far from “on call” for cartoon. even in black and white. extra side lying leg series today...
cool beans! we’re getting another rainstorm. kick up my boots i will! nothing like a rainy weekend to soar my spirit. march mists rehydrate my gleeful and gamesome cells; encouraging me to twirl in public again. a cleansing of extravagance and excess. a...
dear me how i love that hh o’mine. let me count the ways. for months he’s been wanting to behold all things blue-faced, 10 feet tall, and sapiently humanoid. in 3-d no less. i have thrown out every excuse possible: swine flu christmas new year’s...
only three more weeks of winter white. i want to store up the cold like nickels in a ceramic pig. giddy is me seeing my breath in the pitch black morning air. although, maybe i am ready to whisk away this winter coat? i am suffering a knotty stomach still, from ill...