named the ‘devil’s elbow cottage,’ our sweet, abode is nestled among 300 year live oaks. we watch over the marshes and waters of the pinckney island wildlife refuge, in what’s called “low-country;” a snippet of south...
friday happy to you m’loves! it’s smiles and snuggles all around here these days. why does priscilla think she’s a canine-blanket? she’s thanking me for finding newport tails, a dog-walking, dog-obedience, & daycare service located in...
shiny, happy, friday to you my doll-babies! another week in the books, another year older for my most significant of others. last night, alongside family from out-of-town, we celebrated with chocolate cake and mint gelato; hunkiest’s two most favorite foods. the...
 yesterday afternoon a stranger, grabbed my un-manicured, heavily purell’d hand, looked me straight in the eye, and said: “young lady, you’re in mighty need of a road trip.” after what seemed like the world’s longest, awkward silence,...
so with tomorrow being the official start of summer i thought i’d share with you some of my favorite summer must-haves. not that i’m into a full-made up, kardashian face during the rest of the year, but during summer i try to pare down the make-up and hair...