remember me? this has been the longest hiatus i’ve taken from writing… getting back into the swing of work has been a bit harder than i had anticipated. my body was not ready for the decathlon my anxiety-riddled brain craved, and BAM! my knee and hamstring...
i’m back! albeit with a case of vertigo—which is friggin bonkers?!?! who else has had this disco party in their head? every time i stand up i am compelled to shriek: “i’m on a boat!!!”—-hunkiest says it wasn’t funny the first...
contrary to my new, 2014 curves, both up north and down south, i did not get breast implants for christmas. i was pregnant though. a week before christmas hunkiest and i saw two pink lines on the drugstore purchased test….6 tests if i’m to be...
the hunkiest and i are the new faces of hermit living. of late, the weekend trek to trader joe’s is our cologne-spritzing, lip gloss-wearing, disco ball chasing of a saturday night. sag screenings and finally jumping aboard the netflix breaking bad train keeps...
as my 2013 comes to a hushful, out-like-a-lamb, close, like most of you, i have some goals, resolutions if you want to call them, that i wish to pursue. faraway lands, alpha brainwaves accessible on speed dial, and a new venture or two with a change in my current...