i know most of us wish we were gorgeous 18 year old Sport’s Illustrated swimsuit models, but I for one am thanking my lucky stars (and lucky charms) that I was/am not. Case in point, eighteen year old Israeli supermodel Esti Ginzburg: If i looked like this when...
but apparently Vicky is looking for some fresh faces and bod’s. Â That cow, Heidi Klum, gets knocked up as often as the sun sets so I’m sure, behind my back, Â my contract’s being negotiated as i write this. Similar...
i wish i was Martha-y enough to jack-o-lantern my house during October, but I’m definitely craft challenged. I drive near a Michaels and I start spiking a fever. But that’s not to say I don’t like to be seasonal. Alas, the closest I usually to get...
Next weekend I’m hijacking my girlfriend’s bacherlorette weekend with her sister-in-law to Jackson Hole. Now, I’ve never been one to wear mis-matched socks, but my friend Amanda oozes style. She rocks an Hermes cuff with her snap-legged yoga pants...
Yes, boys she may look like an angel in that flattering 3-Thirty-Three lighting, but she still may not be “clean.” Where ever you are carousing this weekend, boys and girls, make it safe and sanitary. Love, Irene. Similar posts:with love70 years.....heavy...