happy weekend

happy weekend

i think i’ve found my 2 buddies for the weekend. a sturdy, seen it all, been there before bench to shoulder my frantic body and brain. a tree. an elder on property. she drapes her gauzy branches low and thick, concealing me from camp share. for now we just sit....
bags are packed

bags are packed

off i go. fingers, toes, eyes crossed their coffee’s strong. otherwise…. i’m not responsible for playing nicely with the other yogis. keep your cell phones on dears, lest i need a break out. click image for source Similar posts:happy weekendWeigh in...
spring rain

spring rain

more rain? didn’t we already have this conversation? silly busy bee i am. i can’t afford wet wings. tomorrow i crisscross the country for dorm living and cafeteria food service. {pausing for self-cognizance} i’m doing what?! have i forgotten those...
lady like tuesday

lady like tuesday

balls to you april! you’re not bringing any of your usual sunny self to the game. skirts, straps, and sandals enjoy cozy closet time while cashmere and cardigans work without end. highs in the sixties call for sweaters and socks. still. fancy folds of warm...


according to organic.org, eating organic foods: 1. reduces toxic load 2. reduces/eliminates off farm production 3. protects future generations 4. builds healthy soil 5. tastes better with truer flavor 6. assists family farmers of all sizes 7. avoids hasty and poor...