an ending. please.

this week ends the deadliest month in the afghanistan war. nothing really more to say. crying feels better. i have the flu so my maudlin mood magnifies with whims of vapors and fits of fury. being sick sends me into my weepiest, most melodramatic, has-been actress...


these two are reminding me a little too effing much of these two….. Similar posts:monday monday......scenes from a {holiday} weekend....home improvementlighting up my heart with...
forget ya troubles c’mon get happy!

forget ya troubles c’mon get happy!

balls to bleakness. i see you mr. sunshine; winky winky-ing at me behind that cloudy grey. giggling is my score. sloppy, summer smiles are my accessories. grid of memories from the past and fears of the future; enslaving me to stupor: i thee depart. euphoric chaos of...
critical mass

critical mass

accolades and audiences may tempt a loftier leap or sweeter smile, but my own eyes and ears rank heaviest on my overall opera. i find my finest feats of human kindness are always best carried out stag. there’s nothing more fulfilling than hearing the applause of...


my dad called. our friend is dead? friday was a simple surgery on a tooth; today is a tragic planning of a funeral. a wretched reminder to exhale the nonsense, and inhale the ardor of loving one another. Similar posts:shut the frige: melissa mcardlegirl crushspring...