

give me empty, unchartered, dark territory any day. i find the cozy in the unknown. there’s nothing as throbbing and thorny as a sure-thing thwarted. i promise to never promise. image Similar posts:homegirlsoaking in every last dropbattle of the...
a reminder

a reminder

could less ever be so more? image Similar posts:weekend happy......currently digginggirl crushgirl...
early for acting class

early for acting class

i see you. despite your preference for armor. we don’t shake hands or exchange glances. you sit. i shift bench, to planter, back next to you on bench. waiting, we both listen to the boasting and blustering of fellow roosters. you’re discouraged too. i wish...


friday i entered the studio to teach my last class after a long, stressful week. my two-day vacation {first one in some time} was about to begin in 65 minutes; i glided in giddy, only one more hour, and it was teaching one of my favorite classes: a classical pilates,...
happy weekend

happy weekend

my sweets, what yummy concoctions of bustle have you whipped up for the weekend? hh and i are finally celebrating year #2 of marital bliss {albeit a bit tardy} at a local resort. for the second anniversary, it is customary to gift cotton. i’ll double dip my chip...