holy smokes! two giant tubs of mail, over 400 emails, and a missing front tooth*. welcome home katie. *story to follow Similar posts:back to our regularly scheduled consumership....party girland the world will live as one...Ah, to be young...
i am thankful for humility. the angst i feel toward some is really just my own self distrust. fear disguised as spite. hurrah to pluck and faith. happy thanksgiving to the bright side. image Similar posts:use your words katieweekend...
cheers to another chance. courage in my cup, i recommit myself to expelling the naysayer in last night’s slippers. she hasn’t served me. it’s a sweet farewell. the dreamer has sat sideline too long. an illusion no more, hour by hour the scale tips...
hh and i are officially on vacation! a week’s worth of twirling, kissing, and smiling. restoration commenced. my heart swells, my mind quiets, an unyielding spirit emerges. every hour i am closer to who i am meant to be. image Similar...
dears, what’s on your weekend docket? last night’s tea-spoon serving of sleep has me nutty for a nap. i’m already lining up a giant, non-stop, shut-eye marathon. i can’t complain. last evening’s late night revelry was joshua radin...