i was working last night, thus was able to watch the recorded oscars upon returning home. i’m still trying to q-tip anne hathaway’s shrieking woo’s out of my ears. i’ve never been so grateful for the tivo fast forward button in my life. was...
what tickles you most from jenna’s italian jaunt? marissa’s coral magic lippies? those mouth-watering bowls of pasta? shiny and squared, perfectly lacquered nails every sixth frame? tension easing gelato breaks? or afternoon espresso in the piazza? buon...
day 3 of flu. bah. balls to zinc lozenges, echinacea, zicam, and coconut water. carry on. Similar posts:hazed not confusedstop and staresummer in the southwednesday...
but last week’s vet check-up was not pretty. truman is “fat”. priscilla is not svelte. a soundtrack of shame booms throughout the house. we are headed back to the ranch. priscilla insisted i take a before picture. wish us luck. Similar posts:alex...