thank you

thank you

i can’t thank you enough for the messages, comments, calls and gifts. losing truman was such a shock. he went to bed last saturday night with {what we thought} was the health of a pup. he definitely had the demeanor and show of dog with at least 3 or 4 years...
tru blue baby i love…..

tru blue baby i love…..

“truman” beloved boy march 6 2000-may 24 2011 where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night.  i miss you like hell.  ~edna st. vincent millay Similar posts:it's all...
and the sleaze goes on….

and the sleaze goes on….

i’d like to preface this post by saying i truly, sincerely wished friday’s confession would be a purge of my somewhat sooty ways. a press of the publish button and i had hoped class and sophistication to magically fairy godmother themselves into my manners...
pull my finger

pull my finger

lately i’ve had the brain and {cringe} mouth of a twelve-year-old boy. pair those up with my mild case of turret’s and i’m a walking, talking bah-dum-bum-CHING poster for crude. the silliest, most inane, immature, off-color, quips kindle in my brain,...

musical remembrance

i had a great day yesterday. but even flying high above sunset blvd, hands still ashake from contract signing, stomach still a-knot from dream fulfilling, my mind is never far from our best and bravest. i may not agree with the battle, but i do support the troop. a...