santa baby…..

santa baby…..

need. want. have. to. have. what’s on your christmas list this year?   Similar posts:it's friday i'm in love...move over tiffany bluesmile! flash!it's friday, i'm in...
black friday

black friday

   some ideas if you’re braving the crowds and you’re MY secret santa…… and if any of these don’t work, i’m always partial to vouchers for the following: weekend happy m’loves. see you on the other side of sunday.  ...
what i’m thankful for?

what i’m thankful for?

need i say more? wishing you and everyone you love, the ones who make you smile, those who send you into fits of giggles, them who make you cry lovely, heart tugging tears, and the few who take your breath away, a thanksgiving happy. you do all of that for me...
are we there yet?

are we there yet?

a photo journal of our road trip up north: rise & shine! one dead battery in hunkiest’s clunky gas guzzling tank, and one lightening round move of luggage into my more fuel efficient, albiet tinier prius, and the family is off and running. all of us...