a brunch….

a brunch….

monday sweetness to you m’loves…. did the weekend refill your happy bucket? mine is brim-full of peace. picture perfect, postcard weather cushioned us through saturday and sunday as i caught up with friends, work, sleep and laundry. sunday morning my...


his itinerary calls for a another week away from me. but that doesn’t stop me from window pane wishes for trips cut short or a surprise visit home. even after his bags are long packed, and his plane is taxi-ing away from the gate, i still check our bedroom in...
packing my bags….

packing my bags….

 first he gave us midnight in paris, now woody allen gives us, to rome with love.  of all the venerated italian cities…. venice, florence, naples, positano….  rome is my most beloved. arrivederci, amore mio Similar posts:moody monkeythe liebster awardwide...