friday zippity doo dah to you m’loves!
my oh my what a busy week! and it looks like it’s going to be an even whackier weekend.
hunkiest and i have checked our calendars, and it truly is the most wonderful time of the year! from now until the 26th of december it is ON! our feet are in the starting blocks, and the social season and high-gear workload have begun. i usually get rather cranky with too many commitments in the filofax, but so far i’ve yet to bite the heads off of any small children….that’s not to say i may not go looking for a nice toddler lollipop come next week.
how about you?
what? it’s a look.
as i always am after professional sporting events, tomorrow i will be outré inspired to expand my fitness prowess. so my kamp katie campers had better be ready to, in the words of olivia newton john, “lemme see yer body talk” come saturday morning. game on my friends!
i’m excited to announce i will be teaching a complimentary coreplay® class {my pilates, barre, yoga fusion style class} on sunday morning at 10am at The CAMP.
it is the official grand opening for ritual wellness’ newest endeavor ritual juicebox, an actual storefront where you can buy their delicious, 100% organic, raw juices. 20% of all orders {both in-store and online} will be donated to JDRF {juvenile diabetes research} on sunday. email if you’d like to register for class.
happy birthday jane. i love you crazy. {and don’t read into that.}
weekend happy to you m’loves. wish my mom happy birthday will ya?
see you on the other side of sunday.
Whoa, what a weekend! Hopefully you will find time for your nap in there! Happy birthday Jane!! Cheers!
Happy Happy Birthday Katie's mom:)))
We are so happy to have you as an ambassador Katie and excited for the class… we hope the sun shines for us. Marra
Happy belated birthday to your mum's Katie all the way from Singapore! Weekend for me usually lots of sewing, finishing my mum's quilt!
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