
i wish to unfold my body.

i long to lengthen, wall-post to wall-post. limbs and fabric grappling for space as i fingertip to pinkie-toe my spot on the playground. 


i crave more nights under a flashing paparazzi sky. an on-foot, nomadic counsel with the stars {and beasts} where we evaluate plans “d” and “f,” noodle around ideas for the future, and are occasionally {often} interrupted by priscilla for squirrel chasing. 

-1but most of all i covet major, giant love for everyone who is reading this right now.

it’s february. the love month. not necessarily romantic, but just all around rich, tasty, good love your neighbor, love your friend, love your stranger, even love that lame-o who cut you off in traffic-kind of love. 

that’s what i wish for most of all this weekend.

what are you wishing for in this new month?

see you on the other side of sunday M’LOVES. 

love, katie