like the unsuppressed giggles of a baby, soldiering through round after round with the tickle monster, my summer has been one uncontainable jar of happy. my work life is changing; in both script and costume, and i’m loving every higher stake, longer hour, and...
they say “sharing is caring.” when i was a little girl, i literally thought “share” meant “give it to katie.” my older brother seemed compelled to always offer up his goods when told to “share.” today i share with you...
you know that the feeling: last night’s rosé: a stroll {or two} through a french summer of pink fresh where everything and everyone is prettier, easier to smile at, dare i say even rosier? yet this morning the only thing rosy is your face because it looks like...
so my who-ville knots have become not just a professional necessity, they’re also the perfect apparati to keep errant fly-aways out of my microphone and mouth. yet, of late, they’ve become a more permanent fixture on my “crown” due to their...
i can’t contain my secret anymore. these 3 urban decay products, courtesy of my beloved and dearest friend, john p., are causing me to bounce up and down like a cracked out cricket, very similar to the way john and i spaz out on our spin bikes anytime a ke$ha song...
although gloomy june tried to murk up newport beach with its grey sky and misty-morning, coastal fog, and then seemed to party crash until early evening, i still managed to find major summer sunshine during the weekend. apparently my birthday is more of a birthday...