some ideas if you’re braving the crowds and you’re MY secret santa…… and if any of these don’t work, i’m always partial to vouchers for the following: weekend happy m’loves. see you on the other side of sunday. ...
tuesday happy to you m’loves. i’m flash-card deep in cramming for my yoga exam this week. last night before bed, the beast and i quizzed each other on sanscrit. savasana, chaturanga, tadasana, uttanasana, utkatasana… i think i’m getting most of...
oodles of nectar sweet to you m’loves! you know how i love a healthy shower? we’re supposed to get buckets of rain this weekend, and i can’t contain my giddy. do you have any special plans for the weekend? i have a long-awaited coffee clutch with my...
three days in and, so far, miss november is rubbing me sweet disposition. i’m digging the easy, breezy no drama, non-sally ways about her. there are a couple of other things pricking my fancy this week: nails, short, to the point and a deep shiraz, mannerly...
i did it. i bought my first pair of jeans, in a shade other than indigo or black. the inspiration was everywhere: initially it was miss lily aldridge who perked my covet for jeans not blue. with legs stemming from locks of ombre, all it took was lily’s seductive...