in the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt. ~Margaret Atwood so if i haven’t said it before i’ll repeat it again: i LOVE springtime. it’s my favorite time of year. i’m such a sucker for renewal, rebirth,...
so last week the goddess {aka raquel perry, the fitness stalker, my girl crush,} sent me a text: i mean i was raised not to be rude. and since when am i to turn down a homemade, crispy-riced, i need two napkins please, confection? especially when they were...
friday whiskers on kittens to you m’loves! spring is almost here and my elation can’t be contained; there has been a projectile vomit of lily plant over the entire house. my favorite time of year triggers a merry-go-round in my heart and makes the...
here in southern california when we have weekends as beautiful as we just had, it’s funny how, for two days, we seem to forget about taxes, jobs, and healthcare. instead we bask, like jaundiced, carefree seal pups, vying for space under blue skies and...
i’m back! albeit with a case of vertigo—which is friggin bonkers?!?! who else has had this disco party in their head? every time i stand up i am compelled to shriek: “i’m on a boat!!!”—-hunkiest says it wasn’t funny the first...
it appears that my body, my doctor, and i, all have clashing opinions when it comes to the definition of “bed rest.” MY understanding of bed rest was that i just wasn’t allowed to teach. sometimes when i teach i can get a bit…unbounded?...