happy-hot-pink-feathers-in-your-ears friday to you m’loves! priscilla just got back from her petsmart spa day where we, bi-monthly, walk her in looking like the sticky, dirty floor of a movie theater, and strut her out looking like the proper, high-class...
 thursday happy to you my pops o’lolli! i hope your week has been full of sugar and sweet. do you do valentine’s day? i’ve never been much of a hardcore fan for all things red and artificially flavored {both in taste + sentiment,} but i’m not...
talk about breaking the internet…today’s edition of girl crush is going to give that kardashian character quite the run for her money. ladies and gentlemen, i present to you danielle wellbrock-gallinger, aka dani, danielle has grit, the glue that holds...
as you can see i can’t keep this under wraps {or hidden beneath baggy shirts} any longer. hunkiest, jones, priscilla and i will be welcoming the newest family member in april. we have discovered a new definition for joy. although this has been a formidable...
happy red-velvet-friday to you m’loves. it’s friday, and i’m a buck-toothed, tail-waggin, giddy-ass, disco’ing donkey. even though i work the weekends i still love me an end-of-the-week party; mostly in my bed, with a remote control, my dvr...
m’loves, it’s been too long. remember me? the binge-eating, dog-rescuing, coffee-slamming headcase you once knew? all of the above still applies with maybe an extra order of neurotic and nausea on the side, {but that’s for a later post.} i’ve...