fourth of july happy to you m’loves. i hope you’re enjoying a day of leisure and revelry; where getting corn on the cob out of your teeth is the most strenuous thing you’ll do today. i love this holiday; i’m a sucker for all things red, white...
it happened overnight. summer. gone is my cool, springtime, sweater-inducing breeze; kidnapped, along with the sun, by humid-heavy clouds, replaced with an oppressive, dank, july heat that makes my hair dreadlock down the back of my neck into a thick, sweaty mullet,...
strawberry season is here. the markets are ibiza dance-club crowded with this tummy-pleasing summer berry; one of my favorite foods since days of the spoon-fed pureé. i invariably have to buy an extra basket for the car ride home; there’s no such thing as me and...
monday glitter in the air to you m’loves! i hope this weekend provided the proper dress rehearsal for another week full of take-your-breath-away moments, unsurpressable laughter, and grateful reflection. mine did. and more. but first a question for you: does...
talk of a summer holiday has been bubbling up more and more at our dinner table of gluten-free and grass-fed. i’m drawn to lands shopping mall-repellent, where starbucks doesn’t punctuates every corner and alley, and whole foods actually means food from...
no gloomy june for this katie-girl. my morning’s coffee is extra black, and for once, i have clean hair. life is grand. yesterday, june greeted us with open-wide, sunshine’y arms, and a periwinkle-blue sky to match. sunday’s weather was so...