they’re here! they’re here! the berries are here! every summer, when our blackberries make their annual bloom, our old, beat-up, seen too many days in the sun, backyard-wall gets a vibrant coat of green, purple, and pink. no paltry, orange county-starved...
so last week the goddess {aka raquel perry, the fitness stalker, my girl crush,} sent me a text: i mean i was raised not to be rude. and since when am i to turn down a homemade, crispy-riced, i need two napkins please, confection? especially when they were...
here in southern california when we have weekends as beautiful as we just had, it’s funny how, for two days, we seem to forget about taxes, jobs, and healthcare. instead we bask, like jaundiced, carefree seal pups, vying for space under blue skies and...
friday buttercream frosting on your toes, fingers, and in my case, hair, to you m’loves! how has mademoiselle march been treating you so far? are you ready for warmer days? the kind that calls for knees exposed, shoulders bared, and the ice-cube requisite...
remember me? this has been the longest hiatus i’ve taken from writing… getting back into the swing of work has been a bit harder than i had anticipated. my body was not ready for the decathlon my anxiety-riddled brain craved, and BAM! my knee and hamstring...
welcome to another edition of “shut the fridge” where we take an apologetic look into some of the most interesting people’s refridgerator’s. i have been on-my-knees begging for this latest post. today we welcome dena gross. dena is a...