hello shiny, happy people! welcome to another addition of “friday i’m in love,” where i share with you the little and BIG things making my heart go pitter-patter. we all know i’m a sucker for a handwritten note, even on a post-it…my...
welcome to the latest installment of “shut the fridge,” where our favorites let us glimpse inside their eating world. i am cuckoo-clock crazy for today’s guest. i’ve been trying to get my beautiful friend, cassie piasecki, on GNI since i first...
happy friday indeed! last week i wrote that sweet, simple love notes from friends, even when they are on post-its, make me silly happy. my beloved janet took my words to heart, and her words of wisdom have brightened my week every time i’m at my bathroom sink....
fresh off the pointy-shoe clad streets of paris where skirts of lavender and violet played tag in the wind, my ever-fashionable friend, niloofar, air-france’d back the best, most-french souvenir of all: ladurée macarons. prettier than any box of tiffany blue or...
welcome to the latest edition of “shut the fridge,” my series where we glimpse into the fridge’s of our favorites. today i’m half-moon pose happy to welcome my girl, my love, jill grogg. jill grogg is one of most popular yogis in town. throngs...
friday bubbles of champagne to you m’loves! has the week treated you kindly? did you throw arrows and darts at your fears? sew cashmere mittens and cosset the face of your clover? i did. last night i conquered one of my biggest banes: i cooked. okay it was an...