this weekend i need a roomy shirt. a long, loose shirt with stretched sleeves. a shirt i can leave untucked so i don’t fret about a stomach not sucked in. sleeves to hide freakish goosebumps. whom appear even when doppler reads 80 degrees. warm (to some). this...
hh and i are in the city for a little bid’ness and family-ness. i’m not about to let the rain and wind damper my inner tatianna sorokko. i’m embracing street glamour, even if i freeze. these are inspiring me. here’s to you having a glossy...
deadlines. classes. clients. zero sleep. a sick hh. real life. calgon cupcake take me away!!!!!! for now i’ll just be here. in this tree. i can’t see them. then, they can’t see me. happy weekend. Similar posts:Welcome to the Jungle50 shades of bed...
wishing m’loves a weekend full of laughter, revelry, relaxation, glee and peace. the storms in california seem to be easing. one of our trees was completely uprooted, and flew out of yard. most house plants have been obliterated round here. which got me...
oh my! don’t you just love open weekends that just melt seamlessly from no plans set, let’s see where the hour takes us to ….well isn’t this delightful and unexpected? this morning i found myself making snow angels lying in bed; giddy still...
T’was a long week indeed my friends. I’m entirely spent. I have the listless energy of a houseplant; rousing only with the wind of an open door. Even wearing my fluffy, feather light bathrobe is wearisome. But I do not want to miss my weekend! No going to...