here we are again m’loves. more gift suggestions for your holiday shopping. tell me what you think. i’m such a sucker for scarves. this echo silky screams “put me in my in your hair and make like your most vampy, sixties, french pop star.”...
all year-long i set pen to paper to list the things, people and circumstances i’m thankful for. typically i’m uncontainable: an erupting geyser of gratitude; oodles of exclamatory grammar gymnastics and language syntax conveying my whistling teapot...
hmm, “whiskers on kittens” are definitely cute, but i start to sneeze after 30 seconds holding a tiny, wily feline. in fact, my nose is starting itch just with the thought of those little, mewing scamper-butts crawling ’round my wrists and ankles. ...
monday morning sprinkles of rainbow to you m’loves. did your weekend fly by the seat of your pants too? mine was filled with family in town, get-togethers with loved ones, and classes that continue to expand my heart and push my physical limits. i’m still...
friday disco balls to you m’loves. have you been shakin’ your groove thang properly all week-long? it seems my mondaytuesdaywednesdaythursday took a handful of steroids and downed them with a 5-hour energy shot {which now comes in a pink bottle in honor of...
thanksgiving came early for me over the last few days as i have been hands to my heart grateful for all the windfalls in my coaster-roll life. a commitment to my pitiful meditation practice remains unwavering, but switching my mantra to “thank you” has...