lately i’ve had the brain and {cringe} mouth of a twelve-year-old boy. pair those up with my mild case of turret’s and i’m a walking, talking bah-dum-bum-CHING poster for crude. the silliest, most inane, immature, off-color, quips kindle in my brain,...
today i leave for santa fe. an enchanted weekend away with hunkiest and the dearest of ones loved. my bags are packed, my boots are shined. my itinerary is a discourse in romance and relaxation. from the doors of our casita, feasting on the beauty foothills of the...
hello i love you won’t you tell me your name? what’s in your pocket for the weekend lollipops? tonight, i plan on losing my voice with mumford and son’s. tomorrow, more shouting {microphone assisted} with my gangsta’s looking to sweat and...
hunkiest and i are convinced are house houses a ghost. a friendly ghost albeit. non prone to spooking, hi-jinks, nor treachery. but said ghost has bewitched our dear truman. lately we’ve been finding truman in the most curious rooms of our abode, fixedly staring...
sunday afternoon, when my work week is finally done, i identify my target {bed}, lock in, aim body, and fire in for my long-awaited {well-deserved} nap. the sounds of our house stir me into sweet compose. at first blush a baby might even find the silence too still and...