caffeinated courage. lithe ambition. a dance with dairy. fire in the belly. fire in the wood oven. rinse, repeat and lather. Similar posts:downward katiebon weekendinsane in the brainshelter...
i went to a birthday party this weekend. stag. hunkiest was out town at party of his own; of a stag nature as well. yet the naughty these boys seemed to have found was of whiskey and lack of bug spray like. for all his clinker and glee as he packs up his shiny 9 iron...
true to form, monsieur march came in like a lion; surly and base, big paws swiping madly in the air. agile as a cat, i luckily avoided any pops or scrapes to the face and bod. silly little lions can’t knock me down; i’m always ready for a nice...
just a little closer please. one more step. weekend what took you so long? forgive me if i grip a bit tighter than typical. this girl may get a little greedy with your time. hope you don’t mind. weekend happy to you m’loves Similar posts:off i gocarbo...
just a few things making me silly happy. buds refusing to bow down to the bully of frost and freeze; defiantly, flamboyantly blooming big bowfuls of petal for our cold winter favor. birthday cakes are on the brain. i’m completely heart sweet on this sugary...
scenes from a weekend hunkiest channeling helmut newton. one enchanted evening indeed. cue the lights a’twinkle. a bride brighter than the shiniest of chandeliers. sugar. a soirée befit for zelda and f. scott. l’amour. shopping. the felines. rapture....