park city you never disappoint. from your deer-dolloped hillside to the afternoon pockets of surprise thunder and lightning; i limp home, weak-knee’d, by your humble magnificence. here’s a little recap of our weekend away: but first, coffee. tummy time in...
friday friendly skies to you m’loves. i’m off on a jet-plane to belatedly ring in my girlfriend, jill grogg’s, 30th birthday. the weekend promises laughter, love and diaper changes–we’ll have three infants in tow……six,...
friday happy to you m’loves! no, you’re not still tripping on last night’s portobello mushroom, i’m back for the second time this week. i feel like i’m finally emerging from my self-ensconced, post-natal lair. leaving the house for life...
friday dark circles and breast pump blisters to you m’loves. we are three weeks into parenthood, and cherishing whatever sleep we can get. jones and priscilla, already on nanny-duty, insist on supervising every feed and diaper change. they, too, are grabbing...
even though i’ve been teaching fitness for over 15 years, when it came to the pre and post natal field, my knowledge was limited. my knee-jerk reaction to taking on private clients who were expecting has always been to pass them off to the expert, aka erica...
so the number one question i am asked during this pregnancy is hands down: “how are you still spinning?”-the inquisitors typically a mixed bag of the horror-stricken, the supportive and those who are truly curious as it pertains to their own current or...