obsession is too fluffy of a word to describe my infatuation with marina and the diamonds. i feel like it’s 1995 again and i’ve just discovered tragic kingdom. here’s what’s been on virtual repeat the last two weeks. {the beasts and i...
what are your plans for this weekend of remembrance? hh and i have our swanky-pants wedding where we’ll attempt grown up games. then i’m hoping for the rest of the weekend to resemble this vignette. (i’d even pay extra for the hair). this is a little...
i exhaled any last remnants of grief into the bottom of the pool this afternoon. my toes are now webbed from the time spent eeling and dolphining my way back and forth under the bridge from hh’s chair to my secret alcove of imaginary fish friends. splash splash...
if you can take twelve minutes. hear and watch something truly beautiful. nothing to learn or know. just experience and be. so nice to not “have to do” anything. after i watching this short little film, benches, trees, buildings, stairways…they all...
we had a birthday party saturday night. although, there weren’t st. bernards standing in for ponies. alas. i did manage to get to a whipped cream, frosted flower for my piece of the cake (happy heel clicks). this sweet, candy-colored short validates my point...