Fall colors, Fall wardrobes, Fall meals, Fall fragrance, I definitely get into my seasons. I even have a Fall soundtrack. Gone for the summer are my sultry Cowboy Junkies soothing away sunburns in pitch dark, under a swirling ceiling fan. Adieu to  fevered, fiery Edith Piaf blaring throughout the house on a Sunday morning as the sun sizzles us into a lazy day surrender. Ingrid Michaelson’s newest album “Everybody” is perfect for the moodier, melancholic mornings of autumn, and the darker afternoons when a cup of Earl Grey tea is more inviting than a glass of lemonade. 3505233297_a59802d6e0_oI must say this is a rare release where there isn’t a single track i skip. There are definitely a few songs that I replay over and over again. “Soldier” is my favorite, and I devour it morning till night. I defy anyone NOT to like this song. This coming from the same girl who, as a freshman in high school, blew out her Sony Discman listening to Paula Abdul’s “Rush Rush” ten thousand times  in a row.

My second favorite is the title track “Everybody.” I put this one on, and the beasts and I have a rockin dance party. Hearing this tune, one can’t help but grab three golden retrievers and twirl around the house like mad monkeys.

Happy Romping to you and yours! Love, Irene