seriously, if the unemployment figures aren’t scary enough, check out this shit show:
commercial photographer, susan anderson is currently displaying “high glitz,” a three year treasure chest of embryonic “beauty” contestants captured in their full regalia, at the kopeikin gallery in los angeles;
i can’t pick a favorite. they all frighten me.
how high must the dress go before child protective services is called?
could these girls look any sadder?
acrylics up above is two years old.
holy shit. those parents should be arrested.
Pathetic! Their parents should be shot then dressed up in a tiara, fake nails, and glitter… and shot again.
By the way…thank you for the get well wishes. I don't have the flu…I actually have Shingles. On my face. So I guess I'm pretty pathetic too.
SICK. That would be my professional opinion. 🙁
thats WRONG! parents should be locked up. i bet you 94% of them girls don't want to do it!
thats adorable
I loooove pagents this is no different young girls being cheerleaders. There is nothing wrong with lil girls being in pagents…
You probably found the only pics where the girls arent smiling.
I have two girls and they absolutely LOVE to compete…
What sick are the ppl that turn this into an arguement.
Jill I agree… Both of my girls are little cheerleaders too. And NO
one says anything about their shortER skirts, dance moves and
"provocative" behavior in that category. this post is ridiculous!