happy weekend

happy weekend

dahlings what are you plans for the forty eight hour holiday? dancing? drinks? dates? my plans aren’t set…..yet. i know there will be huffing and puffing, and tucking and squeezing. and that’s just when i’m on the clock. one thing i am craving...
the road

the road

only 241 pages, but what a punch packed. it’s been over a year since my hands held those haunting pages, but i’m still unstrung by mr mccarthy’s prose. a love story like none other i’ve ever read. a father. a son. the film stayed sincere to my...


she’s just all kinds of cool i will never be. here’s a wicked-rad wednesday tune for you. Similar posts:sign me upjudges ruling....wellness wednesdayback to life, back to...
you had me at pale pink

you had me at pale pink

there’s just something about coral colored candy, salmon hued sweets, and plum tinted pastries that i just cannot resist. resolutions be damned! these photos make me mad for sugar naps and buttercream comas. click image for source Similar posts:it's friday, and...
pretend monday

pretend monday

i’m going to pretend i’m wearing this outfit all day long. as i go from spin class to pilates back to spin class one last time to pilates. i’m going to live in my fantasy land where i am wearing this outfit catwalking over the stoned, rainy streets...