i’m back to ladylike tuesdays. i’ve mentioned before how i prefer my night-dress rather than sporting sweats or shorts to bed. there’s something supremely ladylike about pulling a gown over my head, spritzing my perfume, and tramping out of the closet with chiffon and lace grazing my ankles. this tradition began either as i soon i could walk or was finally given the choice to choose what i wore to dreamland. inspired by the disney princesses, from 3 years old to 36, the first thing i’d do upon returning home from school would be to rid all apparel insinuating unisex playtime, sports, or dirt; anything with a pant leg or waistband was quickly disbanded in exchange for something floor-skimming, wind-catching, and in a shade of violet or baby-blue preferably.
in the mornings there’s nothing nicer than to lounge in my long gown, coffee in hand, beast at my foot, feeling quite the lady of the kingdom house.Â
all of my nightgowns come from local vintage and second-hand stores. my favorite styles are from the 70’s and 50’s. many of them i’ve actually fancied into actual dresses out to dinner. never do they cost more than ten dollars.Â
what type of sleeping wear do you choose for slumbering?Â
Since you asked…..up until April, I had this thing that I could ONLY sleep in a big, white concert tee. It HAD to be white. Grey or any other color are itchy and hit. In April, on a trip to Boston with a Frette gift card in hand, I bought my first pair of silk pajamas in French blue. They are lovely, warm, regal and……a pain in the ass. I get all twisted up in them within moments of climbing into bed, they end up wrinkled and thrown into a lump on the floor. They cannot be laundered. Who wants to dry clean silk pjs every other day? I tried. I tried to save my husband from another 19 years of Manilow, Britney Spears and Pizza My Heart tees. But, a girl needs her sleep. I'm going back to the tees.
I love that…..I really do. I love the elegance & romance of it all. You look beautiful, my friend( no surprise there) and these photographs are just so lovely. Easy and beautiful. Oh, and of course I love your bowzer. What is her name again? Sigh….coffee, gowns and a doggie…perfection. I am afraid I am a comfy pj bottoms and t shirt kind of gal. And I secretly wish I had an army of these around….. http://www.toast.co.uk/product/nightwear/CHPP8/PO… yep. that would be heavenly. 🙂