Happy Vernal Equinox to You! Happy Vernal Equinox to You!! My sundresses and white, linen pants are packed away, Happy Vernal Equinox to You!!!! Here’s to Pumpkin Spice Muffins, Â Samsara Perfume, Brothers & Sisters, cardigan sweaters, porch lights before...
THIS: EQUALS: I mean, REALLY boys, how hard is it to change the roll?!?!! It’s become such a problem I’ve made a deal with HH that the next time he leaves me cardboard in the loo, I get to buy myself a present courtesy of his hard earned money. Â Because...
I consider myself a somewhat practical and reasonable girl…….. but these Chanel Pearl Pumps leave me slightly feverish with a less than responsible makeup. I MUST have them. They complete me. Imagine all the lady-like acts of goodness I’ll be able to...