Frocks a Fancy

Frocks a Fancy

better than the meal is dressing up for thanksgiving. dinner isn’t for another 6 hours, yet my mother is already walking around in her hair rollers. embracing my x chromosomes two, i fantasize having endless access to accouterments couture, you helping me pick...


today, i am thankful for my childhood. happy gobble gobble. love, katie Similar posts:does one "do" cocaine?oh miss emmaA Public Service...
We’re on a Road to………Somewhere

We’re on a Road to………Somewhere

the car is packed. the playlists are complete. this evening, after my last class, the beasts, hh and i will depart for a 7 hour road trip. tonight begins my favorite week of the year. pebble beach. my entire family under one roof for 6 days. thursday we’ll feast...