i’ve wasted spent so much of my life consumed with what i put in my mouth.
is it healthy?
is it vegetarian?
is it organic?
is it good for the environment?
will it make me gain weight?
will it make me sleepy?
will i regret eating this later?
blah. blah. blah. boring!!!!!
what truly holds the heavy weight in my heart is what comes out of my mouth.
when i find myself the agent of gossip or other disparaging remarks at innocents’ expense;
the shame and guilt i feel is worse than any post middle of the night binge induced remorse.
better to have just shoveled in that jar of peanut butter, bag of popcorn, and block of munster cheese.
at least the next day i could just work it off.
not so much with words.
chat, opinions, speculation..they all hinder and hurt more often than help.
this year rather than vex and irk about what goes into my mouth;
i hope to show more compassion toward what comes out of my mouth.
click image for source
I have never consumed truer words.
Wow, I like this a lot. Just yesterday at my teeth cleaning, I found myself talking negatively about my friends TO MY HYGIENIST. That is foul and embarrassing.
I always leave a better person when I visit here…j'adore you.