i’ve finally {3 months later} taken my ipad out of its box.
so now what?
{thumbs twittling}
she’s very pretty, my ipad.
pantene-hair glossy, and ultra slim fit.
but for the last couple days it’s been a rather awkward round of 1st dates:
ipad and i sitting at the table together quietly; uncomfortably avoiding each others’ stare…
the mocking piano jingle from the apple commercial bouncing up and down the keys in my brain.
{this uptempo tune has quickly morphed into a john carpenter-like halloween association for me}
aren’t i supposed to order appetizers or something for us now?
any suggestions?
you know me. i like pretty, fancy things that swish swish in the wind.
i make college boys weep with my ability to put away good food.
i also need to have my world news fix at least once an hour.
so all you tech savvy apple of my eyes, what shall i load on my lonely girl?
Think you'll like the app COOLHUNTER
OMG three months are you crazy? I'm saving up for mine because I'm such a freak I want the most space and internet all the time so it's out of my budget. My new IPHONE arrives today. Can't give up my crackberry just yet but added another line so I can see how I like it – finally Verizon got with the program. OMG – I'm so envious I would be playing around like crazy. I was going to ask the same thing for apps for the Iphone. Megan at Beachbungalow is good for ipad apps you should email her. Let me know what you find that's good.
I am looking forward to getting one of those for my artsy son when the time is right. But I am not like you with the news thing… just makes me either disgusted or depressed so I avoid it totally! 🙁
No iPad yet, but I'm probably going to get the iPhone now that it's with Verizon. You'll have to be MY app guru in a month or so. (:
go to itunes and look for the ipad specific apps, not the iphone apps that also run on the pad. I love Slate for news, there is V and Net-a-porter for fashion but the best is all the wonderful blogs that you follow, you bookmark them on your homepage and they are so easy to read and follow any and everywhere. Have fun!!
oh, don't forget your twitter app for ipad also.
Loving this new look around here…and those gorgeous photos above! My goodness, just can't choose a favorite amongst the delicious delights (frills and frosting alike).
I will be of no help my dear, or the ipad is on my wish list. Want it badly, but the bambino needs shoes and ballet lessons first. Mama's {techno} desires put on the back burner.
"to order appetizers" ~ you are so damn good!
may i claim that cake, as my own? two forks though. one for me and one for you?
ipad?! wish i could get one…living vicariously through you right now 🙂 congrats on the new (or semi new…3 months new) gaget. so fun!
actually not coolhunter but coolhunting. great for design, technology, art, fashion.
also like these apps: flipboard, MoMa, theguardian eyewitness
that white dress, might be the most beautiful article of clothing I've seen in a LONG time.
Katie, I need your email btw, you won over on beachbungalow8!