so i’m shooting an infomercial today. the details are vague to say the least.
i was told it’s “fitness” related.
the audition consisted of a mere photograph taken of my person and face.
let’s speculate what’s in store.
cowboy is very hip these days, no? everyone’s trying to get their true grit on. maybe my pilates pelvic tilting skills will come in handy on dem der’ saddle.
perhaps i’ll luck out and get a mini maui vacation with the hawaii chair .
if you can sit, you can get fit!!
slim suit! message to woman at 0:25 trust me you don’t that dress to fit honey.
um…i think this ‘three-minute miracle’ can also get you pregnant.
i’ll need a giant clause in my contract if this is today’s product.
and i know this really isn’t fitness, but go-girl can be used in conjunction with fitness endeavors.
at least with ‘go-girl’ i’ll stop taking life…..sitting down.
did that say "Osumi Gallop"? That NEEDS to be in the privacy of your own home. You could video it and charge to watch.
Oooh, share when you can!
You know you could do a whole send up blog on the casting process that would probably make you very rich and famous…or at least be invited on Craig Ferguson. But then who would give us the amazing daily does I am so reliant on? Can't wait to hear what it was for!
xo Mary Jo
It can't be worse that Tony Little Gazelle thing. So at least you have that going for you 🙂