hazed not confused

hazed not confused

sometimes this is my clearest lens in life. many a time these blurry eyes have saved me from feelings hurt or cheeks turned that way. we can in engage in the scrappy dogfights, get scratched up and bit; or we can choose not to play with those silly, boorish puppies...
she’s here….

she’s here….

miss autumn has gracefully arrived. delicious autumn!  my very soul is wedded to it, and if i were a bird i would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. ~george eliot images Similar posts:i SEE youweekend happy ladylike tuesdaya step...
a return

a return

i’m hiccup happy to share my latest news. a few weeks back i made the decision to die a slow, painful, humiliating death return to acting. it’s truly the most fulfilled, sickly stimulated i’ve ever been (career-wise, friends & family). even just...
happy weekend

happy weekend

dears, tell me what’s on your weekend playlist? sweeten my ears with plans of frolic and trick. i’m neck and neck with the beavers and bees in a match of busy. polly the prius and i are now having a threesome; it’s with the 405 freeway. come sunday...
i SEE you

i SEE you

holiday weekend stop acting coy. stomp yourself up to my porch; better have packed a bag too. i’m readly to lounge languidly, sip sleepily, and rest richly. turning off phones, brain, computer, and mouth {you’re welcome robert}. with my summer track on...


hello honeys. seems my voice has taken a bit of bashful this morning. a silly goblin is spoiling the happy, yogic apples. rather than tango in that tangle; i’ll sit here with you. life is stupid sweet sometimes. it’s our choice whether to see it. image...