calming the seas

calming the seas

the view from the porthole indicates smooth sailing, but the inside of my cabin has been bumpy, sharp, and vexing. sour-faced i stomp around, tongue ablaze, set off by the slightest: an unmannerly citizen, an offensive dog-owner, an out-to-lunch driver. this...
not so faraway land

not so faraway land

every morning i wake up in fairy-tale land. don’t get me wrong; the shires of my fanciful kingdom are also filled with death, disease, discourtesy, and deception. yesterday, it took all of robin hood’s outlaws, and one lady in waiting to reign in my...


cooler words would prevail with these. i. just. know. here Similar posts:winter lovecalming the seasman...
ladylike tuesday

ladylike tuesday

sometimes the unexpected is the best bite. i’ll see your thunder and lightening, and i’ll raise you pleated dresses, chandelier earrings, and heels high. image Similar posts:a revision expectationa return to loveevery summer has a...
rainy days and mondays

rainy days and mondays

  sorry ms carpenter i take issue with your libretto. if i had my way, rain would appear weekly to wash away our muck. her windy sidekick tagging along every so often, for extra exfoliation. and every monday it’s my chance to windshield wipe aside my...
7 years bad luck

7 years bad luck

no amount of concealer can mask the snippets of sleep stymied. this broken record has become a bore. my undereyes of purple and grey are my must-have bags of the season. they can take me from day into evening. silver lining makes my eyes and heart bigger. image...