boon, bam. bit, back.

thank you mrs. burns for sharing. let’s all pray for our soldiers, world peace, and that hip-hop NEVER goes out of style. Similar posts:she's a lady!what would giada do? {in a bikini}currently diggin"monday...

midweek music

here is what’s playing repeat on my ‘pod.   mumford & sons gallop me face first into a headwind of happy. listening to their music suffuses me with spring in my step and a smile on my face. come twirl with me!! Similar posts:currently diggin'my...

l’histoire a fille française

the face, l’accent, and the dramatic interpretation definitely do their best to distract from what is a truly grisly, wretched, dismal story. how old are you young lady? what exactly do they teach these babes over there in france? murder? suicide? chicken box?...

la vie en rose

i don’t think i can ever have too much la vie en rose. hope you have a blushing tuesday. Similar posts:friday i'm in love...'round here….we hail to the's friday i'm in love...santa can you hear...

fools rush in

sigh… some are such a level of cool i choke breathing in their opposite air. Similar posts:monday melodies....Simple Thingsradiohead at the top of our august...