POP! that was the sound of my front, left tire as i “turned” right into a chevron station yesterday. in my version of this story the curb had spiky, protracting thorns which vehemently besieged my exemplary, mother theresa like, clean-air giving prius. the...
good monday morning to you m’loves! i hope the weekend provided the time you needed to reboot, indulge and savor summer’s last drops of carefree abandon. thank you so much for your votes. most of them were via text and talk, although the stunning...
friday happy to you m’loves. i end the week with one my favorite photographers, eugene tan, a guy who in the late 1990’s “took the leap of faith” by shedding an unhappy corporate life in the city for a more fulfilling career on the sandy beach....
so we’ve stood before this water cooler before: i don’t cook. you want me to dice and chop? might as well throw in the alpine stage of the tour de france too. it’s not gonna happen. nevertheless, i still wish i had the desire to contessa, barefoot...
friday happy to you m’loves. in keeping with yesterday’s horse theme i want to share with you a very special project, the short film, wild horses, directed and co-written by my stunning friend, stephanie martin. friends since our elementary school days,...
we’ve all done it, royally screwed up the lyrics to a song, and ignorantly belt them out nonetheless as if we had penned the words ourselves. apparently my first words weren’t “mamma” or “dadda,” but “i’ll never love...