to say i’m remiss in my mad men episodes is an understatement. the last time i watched, sally went to town on her hair with a scissors, and then went to town on herself at a sleepover. psychiatry ensued. for me and sally. i’m aware monsieur draper behaved...
brushing up on my best betty draper pose. hunky hubby has a client dinner this evening. spouses are tagging along; adding the spice to what would otherwise be a beige-bland meal. {at least in my opinion} off to get my face rosy and hair shiny…. mouth will remain...
the lovely christina hendricks steams up space in broken bells’ newest track “the ghost inside”. something about this siren which makes all those skinny {wannabe} starlets look so silly in comparison. n’est ce pas? Similar posts:rockstar...
i’m a sucker for casseroles. love! love! love anything in an 9 x 9 baking dish. put a can of cream of mushroom soup and some dehydrated onions……i’m yours forever. luckily hh shares my obsession for all things creamy, noodle-ly, and rectangular....
Well I’m still F*cking sick!!!!! I know it’s not of the piggy persuasion, but it’s a flu nonetheless. Â I STILL feel just as lousy as if I were to have the oinker flu!!!! Why do those porkers get all the attention? My fever’s just as high?! My...