hefty deadlines stoop my shoulders waist low. indoor cycling is effortless compared to penning the ride to paper. can’t i just execute push ups for the next 10 days straight, rather than describe one, perfect, singular push-up in arial font, double spaced by monday morning?
oh and apparently jesus is celebrating yet another birthday soon. whilst i’m not much for theology, i HAVE erected a bubblegum pink tree people, and do have a weakness for all things sparkly. yet, even with said barbie dream tree, the homestead still needs a little more sprucing before i’m slurring santa baby.
maybe i need to reconsider the religion thing because ask and you shall receive. no sooner do i confess my desire for a fa-la-la-la-la-la living room  than i receive my newsletter of christmastime creativity from www.paleandinteresting.com
j’adore everything from pale & interesting. even their name….pale & interesting. in a former life i was pale & interesting; now i’m blotchy & well-worn.
here are some of their holiday looks. reminds me of the fun you can have with mercury glass. enjoy. i did.
blotchy and well-worn! i snorted. a good way to begin my day! let me go read more…xoxo.
Everyone was pale and interesting at one point or another…I will have to check out this site as white and silver are calling my name.