help me darlings. i’m strung out on so-so books.
the last books i’ve read:
olive kitteridge, the help, the book thief, cat’s eye, the secret of eden, unaccustomed earth, hotel of corner of bitter and sweet, and cutting for stone have all left me feeling blaseĀ“ and unmoved.
all rave-reviewed and recommended, but all left me feeling like seattle’s best coffee: meh.
i just started mudbound. again: recommended and raved.
what do i like to read? fiction. historical fiction. i’d rather not learn anything real going on in the world right now, thank you very much.
here are some of my favorite books:
(click cover for more info)
any suggestions?
Another highly recommended one, but I believe it to be deserving: The Time Traveler's Wife. Darker than the movie, it is really emotional and infinitely intriguing.
Wally Lamb ~ rocks! And I'm a huge Barbara Kingsolver fan (all of her books), almost finished with The Red Leather Diary by Koppel (good read, but not earth shattering by any means). Sadly, I'm with you. I haven't come across a REALLY great book that makes me yearn for more in quite a while. I'm going to check out Plainsong since you recommended it.
did enjoy Time Traveler's Wife, and thankfully did not see the movie. i'll check out barbara kingsolver….she always is recommended to me.
thanks guys!
Hello! First time at your blog, BUT I have a wonderful recommendation. It is "House of the Spirits" by Isabelle Allende. One of my all time favorites and kinda fits in to the category of books you listed.
kingsolver is great…def read animal dreams. i read it 5 times. i think i may pick it up again.
i also just read the art of dancing in the rain…i read it during my lunch at work and was a sopyy, hysterical mess. i love dogs more than most humans, so that was pretty intense.
i also recommend the lovely bones. i wont see the movie bc the book was so remarkable.
love all the rec's!! thank you loves!!!!